Title: Mastering C++ Programming: From Basics to Advanced Techniques
The Opening Section
- Why C++ is relevant today and its inception.
- Random insight into subject matter of the article.
- Short note about the contents of the article.
Part 1: Getting Started with C++
1. Understanding C++
- What C++ really is (its definition and history).
- Its features in relation to C and other languages as well practiced.
2. Your Development Setting: How to Do it
- Installing and configuring IDEs such as Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, etc.
- Installation and configuration of compilers such as GCC, Clang, etc.
– Basic explanation of and how one would use command line tools.
3. Fundamental Principles
- Introduction to variables, types and operators.
- Control structures (if, also else, switch and loops).
- Functions in the context of modular programming: why do we need them.
Section 2: Instructional C++ Programming
Subsection 4 – Class objects.
Subsection 4.1 – Inheritance polymorphism encapsulation of objects.
Subsection 4.2 – Definition for class’s constructor and destructor.
5. Structures that are more Complex than Basic Data Structures
Subsection 5.1 – Linear arrays, pointer, and reference.
Subsection 5.2 – Standard Template Library’s (STL) containers: vector, list, and map.
Subsection 5.3 – Internals of an iterator.
6. Dynamic Memory Allocation
Subsection 6.1 – Introduction of new concepts known as New and Delete.
Subsection 6.2 – Introduction of pointers known as smart pointers- unique, shared, and weak.
Subsection 6.3 – Memory leaks and the ways to prevent and control them.
Module 3: C++ Programming-Advanced
7. Commonly used in C++ programming.- Function templates and class templates.
- Template specialization and partial specialization.
- Using STL algorithms with templates.
8. Concurrency and Multithreading.
- Foundational knowledge of synchronization and threads.
- Synchronization primitives such as mutex and condition variables.
- Concepts related to atomic operations and their application in concurrent programming.
- Exception handling in programming try, catch and throw.
- Strategies of programming without causing and catching exceptions.
Section 4. Applications of the C++ Programming language where C+ is used.
10. Basics of File Handling and File Streams– Retrieving data from stored files.
– Files streams: ifstream, ofstream, fstream.
11. Content of Networking and Sockets to Connect to the Servers
– Basic Definition of Communication in a Network.
– Use of Sockets to Communicate to a Server in a Sever-Client Model.
12. C++ Programming and Concerning Graphics only.
– Some Regular Graphics Libraries. Example OpenGL.
– Creating Non Complex Graphical User Interface (GUI) Based Applications.
Section 5 – Advanced C++ Programming
In the following section, we cover.15. Performance Optimization Techniques
- Profiles and bench marks tools.
- Methods of decreasing the CPU and memory requirements.
16. De-supporting C++ Code
- Debugging – bdbg (gdb, Visual C++ Debugger etc).
- Ways to perform debugging effectively.
Section 6: Recommended Approaches and Further Issues
15. Design Patterns- Introduction to some definition patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory, Observer).
- Approaches to design patterns spiritual in C++.
16. Software Engineering Practices
- Git as a version control system.
- Unit test libraries (e.g. Google mock up test).
- CI/CD implementation.
Concluding Remarks
- Overview of the salient points discussed in the preceding text.- Significance of C++ programming language in contemporary application development.
- Concluding comments and materials for more study.
Supplementary Section: Materials and More Reading
- Collection of context-relevant literature, internet resources, and e-learning classes.
- C++ relevant social media networks and discussions board.